
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Melbourne - Photos from the Diana Mini

I love shooting on film because of the element of surprise. Unlike digital cameras, you never know what you are going to get. I especially love the vignetting and lovely retro feel of the photos when you use a Lomo, Holga or Diana.

Anyway, I finally used up the remaining film from my Melbourne trip on our honeymoon in Maldives and developed my photos a few weeks back.

Here are some snapshots taken with the Diana Mini.

Part of the film got accidentally exposed when I opened the camera cover thinking the film was fully rewound, but I thought the overexposed photos turned out rather interesting from the light leaks (the two photos below the one of the license plate).


  1. Awesome to see film still being used. Keep film alive!

  2. These photos are fab! The first one is especially stunning.

  3. Greg - Yeah it'll be sad if film becomes obsolete, though I choose to believe that it won't!

    thepleasuremonger - Thank you! You can't really shoot a bad picture along the Great Ocean Road when the scenery is so beautiful.

  4. beautiful! i took some new ones too but it seems really difficult to use up one roll of film haha

  5. Yup it's not easy to use up one roll and I only feel inspired to take photos overseas!

  6. I've been dying to get the Diana for ages! I was even looking at getting the instax add-on so we could have it at our wedding.. but I think i might get too selfish to share it. :)

    i still have an old manual nikon f10 which i used recently.. not as creative as the diana but I think using old film or b/w or slide film can create similar results. gorgeous photos!

  7. Go get the Diana, you won't regret it! It's really fun to shoot, although I prefer images by the Holga (it has more light leaks). I hope to get the Blackbird Fly next but it's quite pricey for a toy camera..



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