
Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Maldives - Above and Under The Sea

I'm leaving in a bit for the airport to catch our flight to Kota Kinabalu. But before I do so, here's a wrap up on our honeymoon with a sample of snapshots from the Diana Mini and the disposable underwater camera.


  1. loving the first pic!

    have a great time in Kota Kinabalu! x

  2. hey !
    thanks for checking out my blog,
    I am on exchange at NTU (beautiful campus...but so far from the city! haha) and I'm absolutely loving Singapore so far.

    your pictures here are great, i especially like the first one...very serene looking

  3. Very magical honeymoon indeed! Glorious sights seen through your photos.

  4. backfullcircle - Thanks May, hope you're not too stressed by wedding preps yet!

    kira - I spent 4 years in NTU and never thought much of the campus. And that's why I like your blog, because seeing Singapore through your eyes makes me appreciate what I have a lot more.

    imp - Thanks, it is truly paradise on Earth!



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