
Friday, June 3, 2011

Cleaning Out My Closet

It's Friday night and I'm at home enjoying some me time while the husband is having a boys' night out with his bffs.

I was supposed to have dinner with the ex-colleagues at Tampopo but I turned the invite down.

With barely a week left to the big move, I have to make the most of my free time to start packing, somehow.

But before I do so, I need to do what I've been procrastinating for the longest time - clear my wardrobe, full of clothes which I haven't worn in ages (yes, I'm a hoarder) because there's no way I'm going to bring everything to the Shire.

I think my task will certainly be a lot more fun if I could do a Take or Toss session, like the one Carrie did below, complete with girlfriends and a bottle of bubbly :)


  1. Sigh, I think I need one of those too. Wardrobe is bursting. Should just pop open a bottle of wine and blast some good music! Makes the task easier. ;)

  2. I really want to drop my impulse buys at a clothes swop! Great fun to pick up gems and see which of your pre-loved clothes go to a new owner :) Have you attended one of those before? Swirl used to organize them.

  3. No I haven't! Maybe we should do one of our own hmm.

  4. I have been toying with the idea of organizing one too. Whatever is left unwanted from the swop can be donated to Salvation Army. Let's discuss, with miss ene? I think she's around the same size? I'm sure the husbands will be delighted to see us clear those clothes which we've never worn before.

  5. Yeah sounds amazing! We should we should!



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