
Monday, December 20, 2010

Confessions of a Bride-To-Be #16: Our Wedding Invites

Because our wedding venue doesn't cater for invites, we had to customise and print our own cards.

The good - freedom to personalise our invites to our whims and fancies. The bad - designing our cards from scratch is a daunting task for two not so artistic people.

We turned to the Internet, which gave us plenty of inspiration. But our customised cards would not have been made possible, without the help of our very talented friend KH, who not only helped to design but print two designs! And not forgetting Angie, who sacrificed time to help to despite her packed schedule.

The traditional Double Happiness card for family

The floral design for friends, which in our humble opinion, suits our wedding venue/theme to a T!

Chop chop!

I love the hand-carved wooden stamps we got from our Vietnam trip in January this year. Besides choosing your own design, you can also add your own text. We decided to include our names. Cheesy, but we likey!

Tak glam!

Yours truly wrote the addresses while he
stamped the back of the envelopes. After an afternoon of writing, stamping and sealing yesterday, i'm proud to say that our wedding invites are ready for mailing!

Keep a lookout for them y'all and don't dump our envelopes into the bin, just yet k?


  1. can't wait to see mine in the post! :)

  2. XL - :) Hope you have received yours! Merry Christmas!
    backfullcircle - Thank you and Merry Christmas. Keep warm!



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