
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

When i first embarked on this wedding preparation journey, i was so certain that being the type A personality that I am, it would be the wedding details - the decor, the theme, the invites, the dress, that would unleash the bridezilla in me.

How wrong I was.

These days, i find myself devoting more effort in managing certain relationships than fussing over our wedding details.

Fending off certain demands and expectations of the wedding/marriage are taking a toll on me.

I just want to be happy.

Why does it have to be so difficult?


  1. I have a very similar entry in my blog too. Hang in there girl. It'd be over before you know it :) Also, the boy gave me this advice: It's all about expectations. If we manage expectations, we won't be disappointed.

  2. Thanks babe. It's ironic how the happiest day of your life can also cause so much grief!

  3. I had a lot of grief with the management of relationships part of the wedding bonanza equation. I too thought it was the details that were going to get me. I think this is a common problem faced by every couple out there. Everyone wants something out of the wedding, mostly because they love you, and sometimes because they are 'kaypoh'. We were rather unceremonious with kaypoh people. But for the people who care about us, I guess they think they know what's best for us. My advice is take in the comments and do what you can without making you or your husband unhappy, but trust me, they will also want you to want what they have in mind too, if that makes sense. it's not going to go easy on them if you refuse what they want, but the unpleasantness will go away because they will realise it is your day. Remember, it is your wedding!! I really hope you will enjoy the process and the day itself, it will be a beautiful start to a blissful marriage. *HUGS*

  4. Thanks dear, I just wish we could do what we want , without people imposing their ideas/values on us. Like what you said, it is our day after all.

  5. I totally understand what you mean! I always thought a marriage is a celebration of two people being together. But a marriage is also about the coming together of two families. And I think the people who care most about you are laying down ideas/expectations only because they want the best for you..and unfortunately this can sometimes be hard to swallow. I'm still battling with it..probably till the big day! If there can be compromise, then compromise. But otherwise I'd say don't let it get you down to much. Rant and then enjoy the details of planning instead! chin up!

  6. Yeah totally agree about the coming together of two families part and yes i'm still battling with it too! I've learnt to see the brighter side of things since this post so yup, trying to enjoy the wedding planning as much as i can!



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