The girls and I were at PS Cafe, Palais Renaisance last night. It was an informal farewell dinner for YZ who's going to teach English in Japan (more on that another time) in early August.
We were appalled by the service, or rather the lack of it.
To be fair, it was just one service staff who spoilt our dining experience.
Let me recall the night's events.
We had made a reservation for 7pm. I was the earliest to arrive at 6.40pm and had asked to be seated first. The place wasn't full, with only 2-3 tables of diners. I was directed to a table that was located directly at the crossroad of traffic. A little uncomfortable. I asked politely if i could have change of table. After all, the other tables were still empty. I was told that the cafe was running at full house and the other tables were reserved. Tough luck. I didn't argue with that because i figured we had a lousy table because our reservation was last minutet.
YZ and XL soon arrived and after we ordered our food, XL asked a service staff (let's call her A) if we could have an extra chair for our bags. A pointed to the chair meant for MY and said isn't there an empty chair right here? We told her that it was meant for our friend who was coming, to which A replied that the cafe was very full (again) and she could offer us an extra chair but might have to take it back when the crowd comes in OR, how about a wine rack instead. We took the chair. The wine rack didn't look like it was capable of holding 3 ladies' handbags.
Our food arrived and XL requested for a 4th serving plate for MY who was on her way. The plate was brought over rather reluctantly by A.
5 minutes later, A walked past our table and removed the empty glass and coaster, which was meant for MY. We immediately told her that our friend was coming (for like the 3rd time?), to which she replied almost indignantly that she would bring her a glass of water when she arrived.
10 minutes after MY had arrived and there was still no sight of that elusive glass of water. I spotted A chatting with another service staff, instead of fulfilling the promise she made. We had to ask another service staff for a glass of water. But the incident left us miffed and we decided to head to TCC at International Plaza for dessert instead, where we received much better service.
I'm not someone who believes in the mantra 'the customer is always right' but in our case, we definitely did no wrong. A really had no reason to act in the manner that she did. Was PS Cafe so short of glasses that they had to remove ours? Why couldn't A just admit she shouldn't have taken the glass away and put it back instead? Why didn't A remember that we had a 4th person arriving, despite us telling her previously that the chair was meant for her and also requesting for a 4th serving plate. Why didn't A bother to serve the water even when MY had arrived?
The incident left a bitter taste in our mouths i'm afraid.
We won't be back, for sure.
Nice title. XD